[BDISO] ANGERME – Rinnetenshou ~ANGERME Past, Present & Future~ [Limited Edition B Blu-ray] [2019.05.15]

Rinnetenshou ~ANGERME Past, Present & Future~ (輪廻転生〜ANGERME Past, Present & Future〜) is the third album by ANGERME. It was released on May 15, 2019 in three editions: one regular and two limited.
All editions come as three CDs. Limited Edition A includes a Blu-ray of the ANGERME 2018 Aki 「Denkousekka」 concert at Pacifico Yokohama on November 23, 2018. Limited Edition B includes a Blu-ray collection of music videos from after being renamed to ANGERME up to their latest 26th single.



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