[DVDRIP] 生田衣梨奈の「新垣さんを応援する会 第一回会合 ~新垣さんの誕生日を勝手に祝う会~」[2013.01.01]

Ikuta Erina no “Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai Dai Ikkai Kaigou ~Niigaki-san no Tanjoubi wo Katte ni Iwau Kai~” is the first Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai fanclub event held by Ikuta Erina. Three events were held on November 20, 2012 at TOKYO FM HALL.

The event was to celebrate Niigaki Risa’s 24th birthday event. Unlike usual birthday events, where the celebrated member is usually the one who hosts the event, the only host was Ikuta herself, who is known to be a big Niigaki wota and the president of “Niigaki-san wo Ouen Suru Kai”.



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