[DVDISO] アンジュルム新メンバー 上國料萌衣お披露目イベント ~かみこ試練!?の4番勝負~

ANGERME Shin Member Kamikokuryo Moe Ohirome Event ~Kamiko Shiren!? no 4-ban Shoubu~ (アンジュルム新メンバー 上國料萌衣お披露目イベント ~かみこ試練!?の4番勝負~; ANGERME New Member Kamikokuryo Moe Debut Event ~Kamiko Trial!? with 4 Challenges~) is Kamikokuryo Moe’s debut event, also featuring the senior members of ANGERME as guests. Two events took place on February 25th, 2016.

The DVD is sold only to Hello! Project Fanclub members and has a deadline to pre-order it by April 27, 2016.

The event featured games and showdowns between Kamikokuryo and each of the members.




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