[DVDRIP] 矢島舞美ファンクラブツアー Maimi’s Travel やじまんず秋の大運動会in福島 [2019.02.16]

Yajima Maimi Fanclub Tour Maimi’s Travel Yajimans Aki no Dai Undoukai in Fukushima (矢島舞美ファンクラブツアー Maimi’s Travel やじまんず秋の大運動会in福島) was Yajima Maimi’s first solo fanclub tour. It was held from November 2 to November 4, 2018.
The DVD was available for pre-order for M-line club fanclub members until December 20, 2018 and Hello! Project fanclub members until December 27, 2018.
The DVD was released to fanclub members on February 16, 2019.



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