[BDRIP] Do As Infinity Acoustic Tour 2016 -2 of Us- Live Documentary Film [2016.10.05]

First live documentary film from Do As Infinity features the final day of their acoustic tour held in Tokyo on June 19, 2016. It covers rehearsal, members’ private shots, recording of new song(s), and more.

1. -Document #1-
2. We are.
3. 冒険者たち
4. -Document #2-
6. rumble fish
7. Week!
8. 魔法の言葉 ~Would you marry me?~
9. -Document #3-
10. Mysterious Magic
11. under the sun
12. -Document #4-
13. アザヤカナハナ
14. -Document #5-
15. ハレルヤ
16. 陽のあたる坂道
17. 翼の計画
18. -Document #6-
19. 深い森
20. Yesterday & Today
21. -Document #7-
22. 空想旅団
23. 君がいない未来
24. アリアドネの糸
25. One or Eight
26. 本日ハ晴天ナリ
27. -Document #8-
28. Encore
29. -Document #9-
30. エレジー
31. 遠くまで
32. Welcome!
33. -Document #10-



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