[DVDISO] NMB48 僕 だって 泣いちゃう よ (Type A Limited) [2018.10.17]

The DVD included with the Type A Limited version of NMB48’s 19th single, Boku Datte Naichau Yo.


1. Boku Datte Naichau Yo (Music Video)
2. Boku Datte Naichau Yo (Music Video Dancing Version)
3. Usotsuki Machine (Music Video)
4. NMB48 LIVE TOUR 2018 in Summer @ Nakano Sunplaza, Tokyo (Overture (NMB48 ver.), HA!, Kamonegix, Good Timing, Avocado Janeshii…, 365 Nichi no Kamihikouki, Seishun no Lap Time)



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