[DVDISO] アンジュルム – モード [2017.01.25]

MODE (モード) is an Engeki Joshibu musical starring ANGERME and Hello Pro Kenshuusei member Kiyono Momohime. It ran from October 1 to October 10, 2016 at the Zenrosai Hall/Space Zero in Shinjuku.

The DVD was released on January 25, 2017. The DVD includes a bonus CD with unreleased tracks. The original soundtrack for the musical was pre-released at the venue on October 1, 2016 and generally released on November 2, 2016.

01. Opening (オープニング)
02. Futari no Onna (2人の女; Two Women)
03. Audition (オーディション)
04. Shinsa Kekka (審査結果; Judging Results)
05. Satsuei (撮影; Photoshoot)
06. Hatsubai (発売; Release)
07. Kiki Ippatsu (危機一髪; A Close Call)
08. Zasetsu (挫折; Setback)
09. MODE
10. Zetsubou (絶望; Despair)
11. Hontou no Koto (本当のこと; The Truth)
12. Yume (夢; Dream)
13. Ending (エンディング)



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